Engineering · Design · Manufacturing

About us

eRacing ETSEIB is a team integrated by university students from the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB, UPC). We design, manufacture and develop a fully functional electric racing motorcycle to then take part and test our developments at MotoStudent®, an international competition where teams from all over the world compete for the final victory.

Founded in September 2012, and formerly called Ampeer Team, the team historically participated in the Smart Moto Challenge competition, where participants were challenged to design and build an electric, urban and smart motorcycle.

In 2015, AmpeerTeam was dissolved, and e-Ride ETSEIB was born, integrated by ETSEIB students. The team became the global champion of the 2016 edition. After the achievement and seeking new horizons, the students  decided to sign up for the V edition of MotoStudent®.

In October 2018, e-Ride ETSEIB presented itself with the e-One prototype, an all-electric specimen, with the motor controller and chassis of its own design and manufacture. The prototype was awarded the MS1 – Best Industrial  Project; where the best design, innovation and the study of the possible mass production of such a motorcycle are valued.

Finally, in 2022, after surviving a pandemic and aiming to leave behind those difficult moments, it was time to start a new journey and eRacing ETSEIB was born. The team will compete in the next MotoStudent® edition.

The Competition

Moto Engineering Foundation and TechnoPark MotorLand promote the MotoStudent International Competition, a challenge between University Student teams among all over the world. The goal for students is to apply all their knowledge acquired during their university studies in a real industrial project, by designing, developing and manufacturing a real racing motorbike prototype, which will be evaluated and tested in Motorland Aragon FIM Circuit.

MotoStudent itself represents a challenge to the students, which have to prove their creativity and innovation skills to directly apply their engineering abilities against other teams from universities all over the world during a period of three semesters.

eRacing Team

Future leaders

We are formed to overcome the challenges that the industry will face in the upcoming years.

Real Case Scenario

We design, manufacture and test a fully functional electric prototype.

International dimension

We have the opportunity to compete against teams that come from all around the world.


A project of this magnitude would not be possible without the help of external companies; either financially, materially and/or in terms of training. Therefore, eRacing ETSEIB has personalized plans to meet the needs of each of its partners. If you want to be part of our journey, check the document below.


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